Monday, February 27, 2012

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

I got lucky today.  Real lucky.

I scored an awesome piece of furniture for FREE from the side of the road.

You know why else I'm lucky?  My parents (of where I had just dropped Gus off for his play date), dropped everything and came with their big ol' hunka car to pick it up for me so I wasn't late for work.  My mom and dad (rocking his work suit b-t-dubs) loaded the ginormous (FREE) dresser into the car for me because they love me.

Check it out!

My parents thought it looked so good that they were almost too afraid to just take it, so my mom, being just as cute as she can be, went and rang the doorbell to ask permission to take it.   She got a resounding "YES!"

When I got home from work, we unloaded it for storage in the basement.  This time I was in MY work clothes - minus the heels.  I rocked my pink converse that were still in my closet from high school.  A modern day "working girl" style if you will in order to avoid injuries.  The rule for transporting this dresser is to do it in your nicest garb.  Remember that.  It's super important.

The dresser already looks pretty good, minus a few scratches, but I plan on painting it a fresh new color anyway since black isn't really my style.  I plan to use it in my studio-to-be as super duper craft supply storage.  PLUS the top will provide an extra nice amount of space to spread out my life (a.k.a. mess) while I work.

It doesn't get much better than this!

{Gus Butt!}

Have you ever scored something completely awesome from the side of the road or somewhere else completely random?  I'd love to hear about it!

Oh, and since we were talking about the Gus-mister (and his play date Irie).  Here they are in all their cuteness for your viewing pleasure.  Feel free to let out a good long "awwwwww."

1 comment:

  1. Totally scored a rocking chair that I used to keep on my front porch to rock the babies! And a kids picnic table! Great find and I am sure you looked amazing in te pink kicks with your skirt!
