Monday, February 6, 2012

Foundation Complete

It is amazing to me how fast a plot of ground can turn into something other than just a stretch of dirt.  It seems as though we just found out that the dig had been scheduled, yet progress is being made abundantly fast.  Since my last update, the foundation has been completed which means a house is going to start standing in its place.


{The Bricks were set when we went 2 weeks ago}

{Backfill was completed upon our last visit}

While I am beginning to get incredibly anxious for this whole deal to be complete so I can move out of my apartment and really settle down, I know time is going to fly by.  Before I know it, we will be frantically packing up boxes, repainting, and trying desperately to clean every nook and cranny of the apartment to get our deposit back.  Then goodbye apartment living!

Let the framing begin!


  1. Looking good! Your photos are so amazing. Surely, this is a great way to settle down.
