Monday, January 30, 2012

A Resolution Reminder

Let's talk New Years Resolutions.  Ok, ok, I know it's practically February, but it's getting to be that time to remind myself of my committment to new goals.  I think it's safe to say that most of us are at least beginning to bend our resolutions a little bit.  Ok, just me?  I dare not place blame!

Here are my goals for 2012

1.  Blog consistently.  I have a tendency to get distracted.  My new goal, one post a week.  If there are more, awesome, if there are less, well, then you all know I've broken my resolution and I feel really really guilty about it.

{Picture found here}
2.  Be Healthy.  One word.  Exercise.  I really want to teach myself to enjoy it even though this is a mostly accurate depiction of how I feel.

{Picture via Pinterest}

3.  Share my creations.  With real people.  I love them and I want to give others the opportunity to love them too.  There are so many boutique-esque shops that sell products made by local artists. My plan is to get brave, put my foot in the door and hope that they like what I have to offer. 

{In college, I stocked some of my creations here.  If you're ever near Yellow Springs, Ohio, pop in.  It's a wonderful place.}

4.  Organize - and keep it that way.  Since we're moving soon, I've been working on getting my life organized.  I've only been in this apartment for a little over a year and it is amazing how many things don't have a place.

Pinned Image
{I got my fridge under control and looking spectacular via Goodbye House, Hello Home's helpful tips}

5.  Ignore fear.  That voice in my head that tells me I shouldn't want to try something, enjoy doing it or will be really bad at it and inadvertently cause the world to end.   I'm taking baby steps.

Photography is one of those things that fits under all three categories.

I'm starting to dabble in it.  It's something I've always wanted to do, but it's always been someone elses "thing" that I didn't want to "copy."  Sometimes I'm silly like that.  Mandie was lovely enough to volunteer for my first "photoshoot."  We had loads of fun!  I'll share more pictures from our winter day out in an upcoming post.

{This is Mandie and she's not just pretty.}

There you have it.  Now I'm accountable (Eeek!) to these goals I've placed for myself.  All in all, it's not just about the resolutions, it's about trying to better and push myself.  The last thing I want to do is sit back and watch life pass by while I think about the things that bring me joy or how I could have challenged myself. What are some of your resolutions and how are you doing with them? 

Here we go!  Time to press on through 2012!

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