Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Foundation for Success

As of last Thursday, ground has officially been broken for our house.  It's actually becoming real now!  I drove by earlier this week and was surprised at what I saw. Before driving by, I was just expecting to see a big hole and mushed up dirt piles (which would have been just as exciting).  Instead, there were mushed up dirt piles and the makings of a form.  If it wasn't so mucky, and if I wouldn't have been getting in the way of the people trying to make my house pretty, stable, and all those important little things, I could have walked through our house for the first time!  Crazy town!

Take a look for yourself!

Also, in case you were wondering, in order for the construction workers to do a good job, you have to smile and wave when you go by.  My mom says so.  It will totally work.  Maybe not as well as cookies work, but I'm not saying that I won't stoop to that level.

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