Friday, December 2, 2011

The Great Mouse Hunt

I have a story to share.  I warn you, it's not a happy ending.  At least not for us.

Remember Herbert?

Herbert is our house mouse.  While I would like to say that he is a welcomed member of the family, he doesn't live in a cage, therefore his free rain over our apartment makes him unwelcome.  He doesn't realize this though.   He thinks that we love him. 

I understand why he may think that.  Why else would we provide him with a pantry full of goodies all to himself but through love?  Or plastic toys (ahem, measuring cups and kitchen utensils) to chew on in his leisure.  Sometimes we even set out a personal meal for him on a super fun death defying obstacle course.  Nothing but love coming from us.

Well, last night, Herbert was taunting Ben.  I came home to our countertops and appliances askew and Ben holding two pieces of tupperware hovering over the gaping hole between the fridge and wall.  Seeing me, Ben immediately apprised me of the situation and much to my reluctance, handed me a tupperware and assigned me to a post determined to catch this little daredevil. 

Herbert was sure all of this commotion was a game. He would run in and out from under the fridge.  In and out, in and out, taunting us and calling us names.  Then, he met Gus.  Gus thought Herbert seemed like a pretty fun toy and chased him out from under the fridge.....

... straight into our bedroom.  Ugh.  We played hide and seek for another hour as Herbert dodged back and forth between the dresser and bedroom door until he disappeared into thin air.  Just in case you haven't caught on yet, this is the not happy ending.  He was gone.  No clue how, no clue where. 

Needless to say, I did not sleep very well last night.

Until we meet again Herbert, until we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!!! We had a mouse like that at our old apt .. he wasn't so smart though, one night I fell asleep and forgot to clean up my dinner in the kitchen, instead of going for all the good food he went for the peanut butter in the trap that ended his stay in our house and unfortunately on the earth as well ...
